
Showing posts with the label Crystallite size & strain from XRD data

Online calculator for Crystallite size & lattice strain from XRD data

For best view, use Desktop site in smartphones. Scherrer (not Debye–Scherrer, Why? ) equation to determine crystallite size and lattice strain from diffraction angle (2θ) and F. W. H. M. is given as: Scherrer Equation   K = Scherrer’s constant (Shape factor)              (Here it’s taken as 0.94) λ = Wavelength of X-rays (Å) F. W. H. M. (β) = Full Width at Half Maxima                   (Here input in degrees) θ – Peak position in XRD graph (that is 2θ)              (Here input as 2θ in degrees) Online Calculator For best view, use Desktop site in smartphones. Input Wavelength of X-rays (λ): Angstroms F.W.H.M.(ß): degrees 2-Theta: degrees Output Crystallite size: nm Lattice Strain (ε): Designed by: Dr. M Kanagasabapathy, Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Rajus’ College Madurai Kamaraj University Rajapalayam, (TN) INDIA 626117 Notes to cal