Video tutorial - How to get live option chain data for NIFTY and Bank NIFTY in Excel sheet?

Video tutorial on how to get live option chain data for NIFTY and Bank NIFTY in Excel sheet - VBA code Getting Live Option Chain Data (CE & PE) in Excel sheet is handy and useful to predict the market trend for option traders. Price and open interest (OI) data in Excel sheet can be useful to analyze the directions of NIFTY & Bank NIFTY. Following Excel gives the Excel VBA code to get live option chain data few Strike Prices above & below Underlying Price in the Excel sheet. This video tutorial explains the Excel VBA code to get NIFTY and Bank NIFTY option chain data in Excel. Coded Excel sheet can be downloaded (See the Link below). Designed by, Dr. M Kanagasabapathy Associate Professor of Chemistry Coordinator, Incubation Centre Rajapalayam Rajus College Madurai Kamaraj University Rajapalayam 626117 (TN) About Dr. M Kanagasabapathy Download the Exc...